Today,I go to Leisure Mall Cinema to watch a great film called 'Iron Man'!!It's really cool and fantastic!It talk about a great weapon creator was kidnapped by a group of bandits when he was trying his new weapon at Afuhan,the weapon is a missile and it is powerful and cool!!The bandits want him to create a great weapon to help them destroy the world.When he is building the weapons to them,he secretly make a suit and that is the first Iron Man.When he succeed and get away from the bandits,he goes back to USA and upgrade to suit of Iron Man.And story start,it is great and fantastic.Go and see.TRUE GOOD!!
lol...wats the best weapon the tony stark ????Is it the ultimate missle or the iron man body huh???u got friendster mahx ???? if u have then visit my friendster (mydearblog@hotmail.com)ok bye take care =D
your cousin
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