Yesterday,our school had finished organising the sports day.This is my 1st time being a tsun jin student to attend my new school's sports day.There are lots of difference between my old school and it is mor interesting.All went well but I still like my old school's sports day more.Maybe it is bcos there were frens there in my old scoo,of cos i dint mean tat my scoo without frens but the feeling wif them is definitely different.At the end,all students raise the hand one by one and made the a hand wave lik the fifa world cup,really fantastic,about 2000 students making the wave,the view is really marvellous.Suddenly,I saw the resting room under the stadium,I remebered there was the place that me,loh and eric change the wushu clothes back to the music band suit,then a lot of memory keep appearing in front of me.I keep memorising cos i afaid that i may forget them.Just half a year,lots of my old frens dont even say hello to me now(of cos there are still some).Wats going on,6M dissapearing in their mind,Ask yourself will u remember all of 6M when u r form6?NO,i tink,friendship will only appear between real fren.To those who never say hello now,I still say u r my 6m frens.....and the fren tat i lost.....u r my best fren forever although maybe u hav forgot how our frenship last year and last years....
My heart to the 6M has never changed before,maybe u tin i m stupid but....still the same,FRIENDSHIP FOREVER....
p.s.I have tried a lot time to say hello to the frens i lost but i jz cant say it out...no matter how he tink bout me..I still consider him as my best fren.....best best fren.......
Yo....u make me very 感动~ Yea, nth can replace 6M place....dun be sad...coz U R NT ALONE~>_<
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