Wednesday, May 20, 2009

BAD luck.......

On Tuesday, our school was having art exam.We are form 1 and our exam is to sketch(sketching).When the exam started,we are not allowed to go out to take something from bag and I realised that I forgot to take an eraser~~><(damn~!!!!!).The teacher who guided us was very fierce and I didn't dare to ask his permission and do u know wat happen??..............I beat the teacher,the teacher fainted and a lot of blood came out from his nose(if u belif what I am saying^^).Just kidding.Actually,I did nothing so the whole I picture I sketch had not been erased or edited,pro ,right?~

p.s. My sketching was really ''unlookable'' and I won't forget this experience~~

sobs....(crying) how many marks I can get ...



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