Sunday, November 1, 2009


Hi~guys~~~Gary is...B.A.C.K!!!This time,i brought someting cool till xxx....I change my template and add music~~~rockz~~~zzzzz Ya i noe i m so out cos i jz only changed it ...oready being a blogger for a long long time~~

But never mind,it wasnt the matter bout my computer skill...I found out finally that it was my computer problem and now it had been fixed~~so enjoy my music and remeber come to my blog evry wik..i promise there will oways a new story for my blog...look forward to~~

my music introducing:1)Dani California (rock)
2)what should i do(
3)SO WHAT! (rock)
4)Fever (taiwan.rock) p.s. fever is a bit lag...

so enjoy it ~~


Carmen said...

ur blog skin n the song oso leng n nice!~


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